Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre
To be recognised nationally and internationally as Aotearoa New Zealand's number one mainland, indigenous wildlife sanctuary.
Our unique role in contributing to our country's heritage is re-creating a predator-free natural environment where rare native birds, plants and other wildlife can breed and thrive. Rangitāne are respected and present, visitor engagement is meaningful and authentic, and we demonstrate leadership to improve the ecological balance in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.
Pūkaha is located two hours from either Wellington or Napier and is a 20-minute drive from the town of Masterton on the border between the Wairarapa and Tararua districts.
Forest restoration occurs throughout Pūkaha's 942-hectare reserve. Extensive predator control is maintained throughout Pūkaha's buffer zone.
Our forest provides a safe refuge for:
Aquatic Koura (freshwater crayfish), tuna (longfin eel)
Birds Karearea (New Zealand falcon), koekoeā (long-tailed cuckoo), korimako (bellbird), miromiro (tomtit), pīpīwharauroa (shining cuckoo), pīwakawaka (fantail), pōpokotea (whitehead), riroriro (grey warbler), tauhou (silvereye), titipounamu (rifleman), tui
Invertebrates Elephant weevil, flatworm, giraffe weevil, huhu beetle, puriri moth, wētā (cave/ground/tree), powelliphanta snail, peripatus, sheetweb spider
Reptiles Barking gecko, copper skink, ngahere gecko
Organisations involved
Pūkaha is a non-profit site jointly managed between the Pūkaha Mount Bruce Board, Rangitāne o Wairarapa and the Department of Conservation.
Key Achievements
1970 – 1980Captive breeding programmes begin for: Tuatara, banded rail, Forbes parakeet, pāteke, roa (great spotted kiwi), whio, red-crowned kākāriki, kererū, Antipodes parakeet, hihi, Reischek's parakeet, North Island weka, ruru, karearea (New Zealand falcon), tieke, kōkako, kāki (black stilt)
1981-1990Captive breeding programmes begin for: Tūturuatu (shore plover), Auckland green gecko, North Island brown kiwi, kea, Campbell Island teal, Harlequin Gecko, kiwi pukupuku (little spotted kiwi)
1991-2019Captive breeding programmes begin for: Yellow-crowned kākāriki, orange fronted kākāriki
Operation Nest Egg officially begins
Summer hours: 9:00am – 6:00pm Winter hours: 9:00am – 4:30pm
Open every day except Christmas Day
Advance bookings required for guided tours, Behind the Scenes tours and Night Tours