Maungatautari Ecological Island
A forested volcanic cone rising above the Waikato basin near Cambridge.
- To build and maintain a 47km totally pest-proof fence around the forest on Maungatautari.
- To eliminate ALL warm-blooded (mammalian) animal pests within the fence.
- To re-introduce threatened species that have been lost from Maungatautari, including kiwi, kokako, giant weta, and tuatara.
- To build visitor access gates and tracks and create a wildlife haven where visitors are welcome.
- To encourage visitors to come and enjoy the vibrant wildlife, and to experience a pest-free New Zealand forest.
- To establish an educational facility for school groups, visitors and researchers to learn about our unique flora and fauna.
- To establish a successful, sustainable enterprise that ensures the longevity of the project.
South of Cambridge, east of Te Awamutu.
3363 hectares of forested public-owned Scenic Reserve administered by Waipa District Council and private land.
Organisations involved
Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust,
Management history
Pest eradication was first carried out in pest-proof fenced exclosures on the north and southern sides. A 47 km pest-proof fence around the forested part of Maungatautari was completed in 2006. Poison bait (brodifacoum) was applied aerially to the reserve in two separate operations in late 2006.
Walking tracks through the exclosures and the main track over the mountain start from the end of Hicks Road (off Maungatautari Road at Maungatautari School) on the northern side, and Tari Road (off Arapuni Road at Pukeatua) on the southern side.