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Control techniques
Sanders, M.D., Brown, K.D., and Keedwell, R.J., 2007: Testing the effects of a predator-exclusion fence on predator abundance and wetland bird breeding success at Ruataniwha wetlands, Twizel. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 23p.
http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents/conservation/land-and-freshwater/Freshwater/predator-exclusion-fencing-report.pdf [1.10 MB]
Clapperton, B.K., Day, T.D., 2001: Cost-effectiveness of exclusion fencing for stoat and other pest control compared with conventional control. DOC Science Internal Series 14. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 19p.
http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents/science-and-technical/DSIS14.pdf [121 KB ]