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Sanctuaries of New Zealand workshop: Dunedin 2014

Presentations given at the 2014 Sanctuaries of New Zealand workshop, in order presented.

Innes J. Workshop introduction; translocations and mouse impacts
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Innes2014.pdf [1.17 MB]

Cree A. The value of ecosanctuaries to the conservation of tuatara
Abstract: http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Cree2014.pdf [305 KB]

Jarvie S. Performance of head-started and wild-caught juvenile tuatara following reintroduction to Orokonui Ecosanctuary
Abstract: http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Jarvie2014.pdf [165 KB]

Parker K. New Zealand bird translocations: past, present & future
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Parker2014.pdf [4.33 MB]

Richardson K. Considering dispersal in reintroduction and restoration planning
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Richardson2014.pdf [1.62 MB]

Jones M. Orokonui and the reintroduction of South Island robins
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Jones2014.pdf [1.09 MB]

Knox C and Monks J. Dispersal and establishment of jewelled geckos following ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ releases
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Knox2014.pdf [2.79 MB]

Lewis D. Resource Selection Of Pateke (Anas chlorotis) In Two North Island Locations
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Lewis2014.pdf [2.32 MB]

Norbury G. How much pest control is enough?
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Norbury2014.pdf [2.39 MB]

Lee B. New Zealand eco-sanctuaries: Where are we going?
http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Lee2014.pdf [4.50 MB]

Seddon P. Might the moa be a goer? DeExtinction and the prospect of species resurrections
Abstract: http://www.sanctuariesnz.org/meetings/documents/Seddon2014.pdf [203 KB]